Donation from Alumil Egypt to support 57357’s children

In a humanitarian initiative, Alumil Egypt Co. organized a blood donation drive in favor of Hospital 57357. This initiative falls within the company’s social responsibility to support needy segments of the society.

The drive took place at the company’s premises. The company’s administration did not spare any effort at encouraging employees to donate blood in favor of 57357’s children. Moreover, it also offered a generous monetary donation to contribute to the treatment of 57357’s children with cancer.

This is the first drive to be organized by the company in coordination with the Association of Friends of the National Cancer-free Initiative AFNCI’s blood donor affairs department. The company’s monetary donation contributes to the continuity of offering the best care to 57357’s sick children.

Our gratitude to Alumil Egypt’s management, and to all the employees whose donation will grant hope in cure to our children with cancer.